The Duckfeed Patreon is how the Duckfeed Network has been able to grow. Its is why we have Duckfeed Live, weekly Abject Suffering episodes, as well as live shows and better recording equipment. The Patreon went live on May 1st, 2014. And it has hit every goal it posted.
Reward Tiers
This is a list of the reward tiers as of May 14th, 2016.
Reward level | Reward Description |
$1 | You're helping to make Duckfeed shows possible! You can vote in our quarterly Watch Out for Fireballs! game selection polls. Occasional Patreon Extras. Access to our back catalog of Backer Blogs. |
$2 | A tier that's twice as nice. You will get the Duckfeed Patreon Welcome Pack, a massive archive of all of the Duckfeed theme songs, stingers, and miscellaneous audio files. |
$5 | Become a part of our tight-knit community, and get even more podcast content, sooner than everyone else! Two extra Abject Suffering episodes per month! And the ability to vote on which games we cover for them, chosen from our most popular submissions. Access to our community Slack channel (invitations go out over the weekend). Access to our Early Release feed, where you can hear episodes of most shows a week early (please check your welcome email for details on the feed). |
$10 | If you can't get enough Gary and Kole, this tier will make you happy. Access to Adaptation Decay, our mostly monthly show about video game movies, books, television shows, and comics. A new episode of DUCKTRAX each quarter, a show about the making of Duckfeed shows. Access to the complete catalog of DUCKTRAX. The ability to submit questions and prompts for DUCKTRAX. Store Discounts: You’ll get a 20% discount on all premium content in our store (, and a special discount price in our shirt and merch store (varies per product). Special thanks on episodes of Watch Out for Fireballs! We will thank 5 people per main episode of the show. |
$25 | Pick this tier if you want to call the shots and get cool doodads. Abject Suffering Game Selection: You will get the ability to dictate a game for us to cover on Abject Suffering. Bi-Annual Goody Mailing: Stickers, buttons, postcards, tchotchkes, etc. A small collection of goods mailed to you in July and January as long as you’ve backed at this level for 3 months out of the previous 6. DuckZine: Inside this goody mailing, you’ll get a short zine of creative and critical writing, drawings, and all around ‘90s goodness related to and expanding upon Duckfeed esoterica. |
$40 | All of the premium content you could ever handle. At this level, you will be able to access ALL of the premium content we’ve ever released (through the Patreon audio stream). As of June 2017, this is a $60 value, and it will only get more valuable. |
$45 | Come talk about bad games with us. Or not. Back at this level for 3 months, and you will be a guest on Abject Suffering, talking about a game of your choice. Guest episodes will happen once a quarter. Note: This show records on Monday nights, and we will work with you to schedule this in advance. |
$50 | Big-wig status. After backing at this tier for 3 months (they don’t need to be consecutive), you can choose a game we cover for Watch Out for Fireballs! We will do one backer-dictated episode/extrasode pair per quarter. This comes with some limitations: We will ask that you provide a couple of options for us to choose from. We will ask that the game suggested not be extravagantly long. It will be a conversation to make sure things work out well. If you choose to remain at this tier, your next request will be dropped to the bottom of the list if new patrons pick up an empty slot. This is limited to two patrons because we do a few of these episodes per year. |
$80 | We need your help picking theme months for Watch Out for Fireballs! Back at this level for 3 months, and you can dictate the theme of month of WOFF! coverage (along with one game that we will cover during that month). Note that we reserve the right to veto extremely long RPGs. See the bullet point above about limitations, we will work with you. |
$125 | Come along on a deep dive. Back at this level for 3 months, and you can dictate a game that we cover on WOFF!, and also guest on that particular episode of the show. Note that we reserve the right to veto extremely long RPGs, and that we generally record this show on Thursday nights or Saturday afternoons. We will work with you in advance to schedule the recording. See the bullet point above about limitations, we will work with you. |
Backer Blogs
This is a list of the Backer Blogs that have been posted to the creator page of Duckfeed patreon. Since it can only be seen by backers at a certain pledge level, the Backer Blogs are not accessible to non-patrons.
page revision: 20, last edited: 22 Oct 2017 18:27