The Task Mask


Gary was looking at productivity apps and wondering why people can't write down a list.

Product Summery

"Turn your to-do list, into a today list!"

Don't you love being reminded of things? Now, with the power of The Task Mask never worry about forgetting again. With the assistance of the Task Masker Masters, carve your daily to-do list onto your unique Task Mask. People will not be able to help but to remind you to follow the list of tasks you set out for yourself upon the inception of your Task Mask, and the mask itself will remind you of your tasks while you sleep!

And never fret, because once you finish your list just put on your Task Mask Masker Master and you'll have the ever-present reminder to go back to the Task Masker Masters.

Excited to join the Task Mask craze? Entry level masks cost $9.90 (the cost of a steamed milk with whipped milk on top of it at Starbucks). For an additional $9.90, your Task Mask can be armed with a Tongue Button, when pressed allows celebrity voices (such as William Tanner from Alf, MLK Jr., and John Delancey portraying Jean-Luc Picard) to read your lists.

Your Task Mask will take roughly 23 hours to construct, so you are encouraged to set up a few days worth of tasks for your Task Mask.

Plot Elements

Brayton had to drive to Milwaukee to get a tattoo the following day.

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